Sentralen Oslo, December 6th 2018, 18:00
- Hans Tutschku, Remembering Japan – Part 1.
- Hanna Hartman, Black Bat
- Jorge Gregorio Garcia Moncada, Hüzün
- Brona Martin, NightEscape
- Clemens von Reusner, Definierte Lastbedingung
- Erik Nyström, Latitudes
- Savannah Agger, Undercurrents
Tickets (NOK 150/100) available from TicketCo: link
“At first only the point of entry is recognised; beyond lies space. In
time more and more landmarks are identified and the subject gains
confidence in movement. Finally the space consists of familiar
landmarks and paths – in other words, place.” (pp.71 Yi-Fu Tuan 1977)
In acousmatic music both place(s) and spaces(s) are a great source of
inspiration and importance for the compositions to “become” and a
pre-condition for the music to be perceived.
In this concert you will hear a selection of compositions that relate
to place(s) and/or space(s) in many different ways.
Supported by:
PNEK Notam 3DA