PULS: Binaural Headphone Concert #5

  • Wednesday, June 30, 2021
  • 2 live events: 12:30 & 21:00

Electric Audio Unit (NO) and Audiorama present:
Curated by Anders Vinjar

On six occasions EAU, in collaboration with Audiorama, will stream headphone concerts, in 3D audio. Prepare for a listening experience on the next level, and be sure to use your best headphones!

We will present contemporary works by today’s most interesting composers and sound artists in the field, working with three-dimensional sound.


  • Savannah Agger (SWE/GER): “Landschaften II” – 07’20
  • Ríkharður H Friðriksson (ISL): “…e_mezzo” – 07’00
  • Kai Mäki-Ullakko & Wallter Sallinen (FIN): “Angelus Novus” – 05’48
  • Þóranna Dögg Björnsdóttir (ISL): “A Composition for Lost Space” – 13’20

🎧2021-06-30 | LIVE 12:30 & 21:00 CEST: webstream.audiorama.se:7070/stream.m3u

Open the stream in iTunes or in your browser.
Problems? Try the HTML5-player at  www2.audiorama.se/webstream

💟Please follow & help us share the Facebook event “PULS Binaural Headphone Concert #5”

PULS Binaural Headphone Concert Series 2021 is presented by EAU in collaboration with Audiorama a swedish center for spatial sonoroties – since 2011.

PULS is The Nordic Culture Fund’s four-year music initiative 2017–2021 aiming to strengthen the Nordic live music scene.

This concert is funded by The Nordic Culture Fund and Arts Council Norway.


PULS: Binaural Headphone Concert #4

  • Wednesday, June 23, 2021
  • 2 live events: 12:30 & 21:00

Electric Audio Unit (NO) and Audiorama present:
Curated by Marcus Wrangö

On six occasions EAU, in collaboration with Audiorama, will stream headphone concerts, in 3D audio. Prepare for a listening experience on the next level, and be sure to use your best headphones!

We will present contemporary works by today’s most interesting composers and sound artists in the field, working with three-dimensional sound.


  • Alexandra Słyż (POL/SWE) – Iridescence (2020) (10’11)
  • Lars Gunnar Bodin (SWE) – Cybo II (1967) (5’54)
  • Brenda El Rayes (LBN/SWE) – Self Soothed (2019) (2’40)
  • Jesper Pedersen (DNK/ISL)- Additive Space (2018) (9’36)

🎧2021-06-23 | LIVE 12:30 & 21:00 CEST: webstream.audiorama.se:7070/stream.m3u

Open the stream in iTunes or in your browser.
Problems? Try the HTML5-player at  www2.audiorama.se/webstream

PULS Binaural Headphone Concert Series 2021 is presented by EAU in collaboration with Audiorama a swedish center for spatial sonoroties – since 2011.

PULS is The Nordic Culture Fund’s four-year music initiative 2017–2021 aiming to strengthen the Nordic live music scene.

This concert is funded by The Nordic Culture Fund and Arts Council Norway.


PULS: Binaural Headphone Concert #3

  • Wednesday, June 16, 2021
  • 2 live events: 12:30 & 21:00

Electric Audio Unit (NO) and Audiorama present:
Curated by Anders Tveit

On six occasions EAU, in collaboration with Audiorama, will stream headphone concerts, in 3D audio. Prepare for a listening experience on the next level, and be sure to use your best headphones!

We will present contemporary works by todays most interesting composers and sound artists in the field, working with three-dimensional sound.


  • Tine Surel Lange (NO): Works for Listening no.11 (2021) (9´37) World Premiere!
  • Ulf Holbrook (NO): Footprints of creatures (2018) (9´21)
  • Ernst van der Loo (NL/NO): “.. and this too will be swept away” (2020) (8´04)
  • Magnus Bugge (NO): REW (2015) (2´20)

🎧2021-06-16 | LIVE 12:30 & 21:00 CEST: webstream.audiorama.se:7070/stream.m3u

Open the stream in iTunes or in your browser.
Problems? Try the HTML5-player at  www2.audiorama.se/webstream

💟Please follow & help us share the Facebook event “PULS Binaural Headphone Concert #3”

PULS Binaural Headphone Concert Series 2021 is presented by EAU in collaboration with Audiorama a swedish center for spatial sonoroties – since 2011.

PULS is The Nordic Culture Fund’s four-year music initiative 2017–2021 aiming to strengthen the Nordic live music scene.

This concert is funded by The Nordic Culture Fund and Arts Council Norway.


PULS: Binaural Headphone Concert #2

  • Wednesday, June 9, 2021
  • 2 live events: 12:30 & 21:00

Electric Audio Unit (NO) and Audiorama present:
Curated by Magnus Bunnskog

On six occasions EAU, in collaboration with Audiorama, will stream headphone concerts, in 3D audio. Prepare for a listening experience on the next level, and be sure to use your best headphones!

We will present contemporary works by todays most interesting composers and sound artists in the field, working with three-dimensional sound.


  • Adrian Knight (SE/USA): Ted’s Requiem (2011) (8’00)
  • Mari Kretz (SE): Skyar II (2019) (5’00)
  • Assar Tallinger (SE): Soft_Power / Hazardous_Lounge (2021) (14’00)

🎧2021-06-09 | LIVE 12:30 & 21:00 CEST: webstream.audiorama.se:7070/stream.m3u

Open the stream in iTunes or in your browser.
Problems? Try the HTML5-player at  www2.audiorama.se/webstream

💟Please follow & help us share the Facebook event “PULS Binaural Headphone Concert #2”

PULS Binaural Headphone Concert Series 2021 is presented by EAU in collaboration with Audiorama a swedish center for spatial sonoroties – since 2011.

PULS is The Nordic Culture Fund’s four-year music initiative 2017–2021 aiming to strengthen the Nordic live music scene.

This concert is funded by The Nordic Culture Fund and Arts Council Norway.


PULS: Binaural Headphone Concert #1

  • Wednesday, June 2, 2021
  • 2 live events: 12:30 & 21:00

Electric Audio Unit (NO) and Audiorama present:
Curated by Natasha Barrett

On six occasions EAU, in collaboration with Audiorama, will stream headphone concerts, in 3D audio. Prepare for a listening experience on the next level, and be sure to use your best headphones!

We will present contemporary works by todays most interesting composers and sound artists in the field, working with three-dimensional sound.


  • Mikkel Alvheim Åse (NO): F=ma (2019) (6’48)
  • Natasha Barrett (NO/UK): Talking Trees (2020) (7’00)
  • Giuseppe Pisano (I): Verso Stelle Mai Viste (2020, premier) (12’14)
  • Lise-Lotte Norelius (SE): dådådede (2021, 4’58)

🎧2021-06-02 | LIVE 12:30 & 21:00 CEST: webstream.audiorama.se:7070/stream.m3u

Open the stream in iTunes or in your browser.
Problems? Try the HTML5-player at  www2.audiorama.se/webstream

💟Please follow & help us share the Facebook event ”PULS Binaural Headphone Concert #1

PULS Binaural Headphone Concert Series 2021 is presented by EAU in collaboration with Audiorama a swedish center for spatial sonoroties – since 2011.

PULS is The Nordic Culture Fund’s four-year music initiative 2017–2021 aiming to strengthen the Nordic live music scene.

This concert is funded by The Nordic Culture Fund and Arts Council Norway.


PULS II: “Non-Frontal” @ ekko.no – 2 konserter

NOVEMBER 5, 19:30
📍Østre, Bergen

These next 2 concerts in Audiorama and EAU’s PULS series are presented in collaboration with ekko.no in Bergen, curated by Audiorama, presenting works from the Swedish community of electroacoustic composers.

A carefully selected set of works all using human voice as source, will be spatialized in full 3D over an Ambisonics loudspeaker rig.



  • Adele Kosman: “If it were for me you’d piece me up”

These PULS concerts are presented by EAU in collaboration with Audiorama and ekko.no.

PULS is The Nordic Culture Fund’s four-year music initiative 2017-2021 aiming to strengthen the Nordic live music scene: puls.nordiskkulturfond.org

Watch this page for updates about our concerts in the “Puls” series in Stockholm, Bergen, Göteborg and Oslo.

EAU’s “Puls Promoters” project is supported by:

EAU: «New Voices» – torsdag 29.10 kl. 19:00 – Gymsalen, Sentralen

EAU: «New Voices»

hvor:Gymsalen, Sentralen, Oslo
når:torsdag 29.10.2020, kl. 19:00

EAU presenterer en konsert med musikk av Norges nye generasjon av elektroakustiske komponister. Torsdag kl.19:00 i Gymsalen-Sentralen 29.oktober i høstmørket blir det fremført rykende ferske verk av en ny generasjon av elektroakustiske komponister. Konserten blir fremført over høyttalerorkester og i flerkanalsystem så her er det bare å glede seg til unike lytteopplevelser og sikre seg billetter!


  1. Giuseppe Pisano: «Strade Fatte a Memoria» (2019-2020) 8’53. Norgespremiere
  2. Ernst van der Loo: «…and this too will be swept away» (2020) 8’02. Urframføring
  3. Mariam Gviniashvili: «Deconstruction» (2020) 7’03. Elektroakustisk med video. Urframføring
  4. Juhani Silvola: «Five Failures» (2019) 14’37
  5. Mikkel Åse: «F=ma» (2020) 6’48. Urframføring

Billetter kan kjøpes her – NB! – kun forhåndssalg pga. smittervern!

Hjertlig velkommen!

Takk for støtta:

«Re-routing» – EAU + Cikada RBK, Sentralen, 23.10.2020, kl. 18:30

«Re-routing» – EAU + Cikada RBK

kvar:Forstanderskapssalen, Sentralen, Oslo
når:Fredag 23.10.2020, kl. 18:30

EAU og Cikada RBK inviterer til konsert. På programmet er musikk for høgtalarar, hovudtelefonar, bratsj, klarinett og klaver.

  • Martin Andreas Hirsti Kvam: «Re-routing» (2019), cl, pno, vla
  • Kazuo Fukushima: «Suien» (1972), piano solo
  • José María Sánchez Verdú: «Qasid 3» (2001) cl, pno, vla
  • Natasha Barrett: «The Line of Solstice» (2020)
  • Anders Vinjar: «Fivrelda drøymer» (2020)

EAU og Cikada følgjer nøye med på smitterestriksjonar i form av publikumsavgrensing og andre tiltak.

Billettsalg: https://tix.no/nb/sentralen/buyingflow/tickets/8023/15829/

Hjerteleg velkomne!

Takk for støtta:

PULS Concert #9: Sounds from the land of the thousand lakes, October 25, Stockholm

OCTOBER 25, 18:30
📍Finlandsinstitutet, Snickarbacken 4, Stockholm (map)

Concert #9 in Audiorama and EAU’s PULS project is curated by Alejandro Montes de Oca, who will present works from the community of the Sibelius Academy, University of the Arts Helsinki, Finland.

Alejandro Montes de Oca

Tickets on sale now!

For this special occasion EAU, Audiorama, Finnish Institute in Stockholm and SEAMS joined forces in order to bring very fresh and new acousmatic works from the community of the Centre for Music and Technology of the Sibelius Academy, University of the Arts Helsinki. A selection of pieces from young composers will be diffused over a multichannel sound system specially configure for this occasion. This concert aims to bring to the public fresh acousmatic music as well as captivate the audience with sounds from the land of the thousand lakes.


  • Martin Recker, “Vent”
  • Sanne Saajos, “In memoriam”
  • Ruben Kotkamp, “by a thousand cuts”
  • Goda Marija Gužauskaitė, “Towards the Tone”
  • Andreas Kühn, “Aus Dem Eis / Out Of Ice”
  • Tytti Arola, “Touko”
  • Alejandro Montes de Oca, “Acoustic paths”
  • Estelle Schorpp, “Le Rêve du Maneki”

💟Updates: facebook.com/events/2363170330643428

This PULS concert is presented by Audiorama in collaboration with Electric Audio Unit (EAU), Finlandsinstitutet and SEAMS (Society for Electroacoustic Music in Sweden).

Finlandsinstitutet in Stockholm promotes knowledge of Finnish culture and society in Sweden, to support the culture of Sweden’s Finnish minority and to facilitate cultural exchange between the countries. http://www.finlandsinstitutet.se/sv/

PULS is The Nordic Culture Fund’s four-year music initiative 2017-2021 aiming to strengthen the Nordic live music scene. puls.nordiskkulturfond.org

Watch this page for updates about concerts in the “Puls” series in Stockholm, Bergen, Göteborg and Oslo.

More about Nordisk kulturfond’s “Puls” project

EAU’s “Puls Promoters” project is supported by:

EAU + VoxLAB: «Flerkanalsverk for stemmer»

EAU + VoxLAB: «Flerkanalsverk for stemmer»

  • hvor : Marmorsalen, Sentralen, Oslo
  • når : Fredag 28.08.2020, kl. 19:00

EAU og VoxLAB inviterer til felles konsert for stemmer og multikanals høyttalersystem. På programmet er musikk av Kristin Norderval, Ruth Wilhelmine Meyer, Julian Skar, Mariam Gviniashvili og Anders Vinjar.

  1. «Extensio_01» – komponist: Ruth Wilhelmine Meyer, lyddesigner: Julian Skar
  2. «Flying Blind» (2020) – Kristin Norderval
  3. «Potential Music» (2000) – Anders Vinjar, for mezzosopran og live elektronikk audio & video
  4. «UNITY» – Mariam Gviniashvili, for Vokal Ensemble og elektronikk
Facebook event.jpg

Konserten er en del av «VoxLAB VårFEST ’20» : https://www.voxlab.no/varfest2020

lenke til program

FB event


EAU og VoxLAB følger nøye med på smitterestriksjoner i form av publikumsbegrensning og andre tiltak. I tillegg tilbyr vi alle i publikum en maske ved inngangen.

Obs! Dersom du bestiller 2 eller flere billetter blir du og ditt følge plassert sammen. Det fordrer at dere er fra samme husstand eller har en nær relasjon. Vil man sitte med avstand, må man kjøpe billettene separat.

Hjertlig velkommen! Hilsen oss i EAU og VoxLAB.

Konserten er støttet av

  • Norsk kulturråd
  • Norsk komponistforening,
  • Kulturetaten i Oslo kommune