Cikada | EAU | Nordheim. Sentralen (Marmorsalen), Oslo. Tirsdag 22. februar. 18.30
EAU og Cikada Duo samarbeider om denne konserten med verk av Arne Nordheim, Natasha Barrett og Ernst van der Loo. Kom og hør Nordheims verk ‘Link’ og ‘Colorazione’ i full surround, den norske premieren av Barretts 3D ambisonic-verk ‘Pockets of Space’ med digital video fra de kjente USA-baserte artistene Open Ended Group bestilt av IRCAM, og ‘Risk Assessment’ av Ernst van der Loo.
- Link (Nordheim)
- Pockets of Space (Musikk-Natasha Barrett; Video-Open Ended Group).
- Risk Assessment (Ernst van der Loo)
- Colorazione (Nordheim)
- Bjørn Rabben (slagverk)
- Kenneth Karlsson (synthesizere)
- Natasha Barrett (spatialisering og live elektronikk)
- Ernst van der Loo (spatialisering og live elektronikk)
About ‘Pockets of Space‘
Music: Natasha Barrett
Video: Open Ended Group
Pockets of Space is a collaboration between composer Natasha Barrett (NO/UK) and visual artists Marc Downie and Paul Kaiser, known collectively as OpenEndedGroup (USA).
The original work was for 7th order 3D ambisonics (high resolution 3D sound for a 64-loudspeaker hemisphere), 3D video and interactive 3D VR. This concert is performed over 24 speakers with 2D video projection.
Pockets of Space is an intricate interplay between our consciousness, computational systems, and our physical environment. Everywhere we look and hear, points and lines of light and sound form tangled networks that continually reshape themselves. Sound and images gather into masses, scamper into noise and then invert into purer tones, before coalescing to reconfigure space. These otherworldly computer visions are all somehow conjured up from close readings of the real world; a connection revealed when on reaching the end, we see the work materialize in reality.
The work was commissioned by IRCAM and premiered at the Pompidou Centre, Paris.
The concert is supported by Arts Council Norway.