Concert #3 and #4 in Electric Audio Unit and Audiorama’s PULS project, curated by Savannah Agger and Cristian Vogel, will take place during the festival Svensk Musikvår in the legendary venue R1 Reaktorhallen in Stockholm. FREE ADMISSION
16:00: Concert #3: Places/Spaces, Curated by Swedish composer Savannah Agger [link to program]
20:00: Concert #4: An Evening of Spatialised Electronic Music, Curated by composer Cristian Vogel [link to program]
Saturday 16 March 16.00 @ R1 Curated by Swedish composer Savannah Agger
• Hans Tutschku, Remembering Japan – part 1 • Clemens von Reusner, Definierte Lastbedingung • Brona Martin, NightEscape • Erik Nyström, Textonics • Annie Mahtani, Inversions • Jorge Garcia Moncada, Hüzün
Program concert #4: An Evening of Spatialised Electronic Music
Saturday 16 March 20.00 @ R1
Curated by composer Cristian Vogel
• SØS Gunver Ryberg, Shapeshifter • Jonathan Harvey, Mortuos Plango Vivos Voco • Anders Tveit, And the ticks turn into tocks and the tocks turn into ticks • Cristian Vogel, Acceleration Morphosis – World Premiere • Koenraad Ecker, Transparent Bodies, Submarine Roots – World Premiere • Cristian Vogel, WokeSeq – World Premiere • Tine Surel Lange, W O R K S F O R L I S T E N I N G – No. 2; No. 10 • Banrei, Cholalcho • Cristian Vogel, Invisible Planet
The curator will present and perform the concerts. As well, and before each concert at 18:00, we will arrange a pre-concert talk with each curator, to discuss further each curators artistic profile, choices for programme, approaches to spatialization etc.
Ambisonics in Marmorsalen, Sentralen, Oslo
Both concerts will be performed in Marmorsalen at Sentralen, Oslo, using 3DA’s 24-channel playback system for HOA Ambisonics.
Further concerts in the “Puls Promoters 2018-2019” series
Upcoming concerts during winter/spring 2019 will feature 3 other specially invited curators:
Rikharður Freðrikson (IS)
Aleyandro Montes de Oca (FI)
Trond Lossius (NO)
Watch this page for updates about concerts in the “Puls” series in Stockholm, Bergen, Göteborg and Oslo during winter/spring 2019.