Elektroakustisk konsert: Antropocen

Fire ulike norske komponister har komponert fire ulike elektroakustiske musikkstykker med temaet Verden i post-antropocen -Er dette slutten eller starten på en ny syklus?
Med utgangspunkt i dette utforsker komponistene Kari Telstad Sundet, Martyna Kosecka, Louisa Danielsson og Magdaléna Manderlová bruken av lyd og romlighet som materiale for en kunstnerisk tilnærming til tematikken.

I tillegg til fremføringene av disse verkene vil vi høre tre nye og spennende verk for både video og flerkanals-lyd av Olivia Køppe Christoffersen (urfremføring), Anna Berg og Natasha Barrett.

Alt vil bli fremført i 3D-lyd.

Velkommen til en annerledes og spennende lytteopplevelse!

I samarbeid med nyMusikk Vestfold og Tønsberg og Færder Bibliotek.

Konsert er støttet av Kulturrådet

Lørdag 10. juni kl. 12.00 – 13.00
Gratis inngang, ingen påmelding

Blackboxen Tønsberg og Færder Bibliotek, Storgaten 16, Tønsberg


Kari Telstad Sundet (NO): All Machines Now
Louisa Danielsson (NO/SE): Is it for the Government?
Martyna Kosecka ((NO/PL) Still Life
Magdaléna Manderlová (CZ/NO): A Forest of Ears
Anna Berg(NO): Klucceeckax
Olivia Køppe Christoffersen(DK): No input, it might be good for you
Natsha Barrett (NO/UK): Impossible Moments from Venice 2 

website Tønsberg og Færder bibliotek

Facebook event

PULS II: “Non-Frontal” @ ekko.no – 2 konserter

NOVEMBER 5, 19:30
📍Østre, Bergen

These next 2 concerts in Audiorama and EAU’s PULS series are presented in collaboration with ekko.no in Bergen, curated by Audiorama, presenting works from the Swedish community of electroacoustic composers.

A carefully selected set of works all using human voice as source, will be spatialized in full 3D over an Ambisonics loudspeaker rig.



  • Adele Kosman: “If it were for me you’d piece me up”

These PULS concerts are presented by EAU in collaboration with Audiorama and ekko.no.

PULS is The Nordic Culture Fund’s four-year music initiative 2017-2021 aiming to strengthen the Nordic live music scene: puls.nordiskkulturfond.org

Watch this page for updates about our concerts in the “Puls” series in Stockholm, Bergen, Göteborg and Oslo.

EAU’s “Puls Promoters” project is supported by:

PULS Concert #9: Sounds from the land of the thousand lakes, October 25, Stockholm

OCTOBER 25, 18:30
📍Finlandsinstitutet, Snickarbacken 4, Stockholm (map)

Concert #9 in Audiorama and EAU’s PULS project is curated by Alejandro Montes de Oca, who will present works from the community of the Sibelius Academy, University of the Arts Helsinki, Finland.

Alejandro Montes de Oca

Tickets on sale now!

For this special occasion EAU, Audiorama, Finnish Institute in Stockholm and SEAMS joined forces in order to bring very fresh and new acousmatic works from the community of the Centre for Music and Technology of the Sibelius Academy, University of the Arts Helsinki. A selection of pieces from young composers will be diffused over a multichannel sound system specially configure for this occasion. This concert aims to bring to the public fresh acousmatic music as well as captivate the audience with sounds from the land of the thousand lakes.


  • Martin Recker, “Vent”
  • Sanne Saajos, “In memoriam”
  • Ruben Kotkamp, “by a thousand cuts”
  • Goda Marija Gužauskaitė, “Towards the Tone”
  • Andreas Kühn, “Aus Dem Eis / Out Of Ice”
  • Tytti Arola, “Touko”
  • Alejandro Montes de Oca, “Acoustic paths”
  • Estelle Schorpp, “Le Rêve du Maneki”

💟Updates: facebook.com/events/2363170330643428

This PULS concert is presented by Audiorama in collaboration with Electric Audio Unit (EAU), Finlandsinstitutet and SEAMS (Society for Electroacoustic Music in Sweden).

Finlandsinstitutet in Stockholm promotes knowledge of Finnish culture and society in Sweden, to support the culture of Sweden’s Finnish minority and to facilitate cultural exchange between the countries. http://www.finlandsinstitutet.se/sv/

PULS is The Nordic Culture Fund’s four-year music initiative 2017-2021 aiming to strengthen the Nordic live music scene. puls.nordiskkulturfond.org

Watch this page for updates about concerts in the “Puls” series in Stockholm, Bergen, Göteborg and Oslo.

More about Nordisk kulturfond’s “Puls” project

EAU’s “Puls Promoters” project is supported by:

Visby, Gotland: Trond Lossius @ FRST, 25 Januar, 2020

Puls concert #8: “Trond Lossius”, January 25th, 13:30-16:00

Welcome to event #8 in Electric Audio Unit and Audiorama’s PULS project, this time curated by Trond Lossius, who will present an installation and a concert consisting of 3D Ambisonics music and sound art.

The event is part of the FRST mini-festival, taking place at Visby, Gotland in Sweden (lenke til fb-event).

Program concert #8: Trond Lossius, “FRST”:

Saturday, January 25th, there will be an installation 13:30-14:30, and a concert 15:00-16:00. Program:

  • Installation, 13:30-14:30: Andrea Parkins: “Studio Drawing 24-4-19” (for 24 loudspeakers)
  • Concert 15:00-16:00:
    1. Ulf A. S. Holbrook: Tessallation rift
    2. Katt Hernandez: “Vart ska dem ta vägen nu?”
    3. Craig Wells: Mood Swing
    4. Trond Lossius: Edgelands

Watch this page for updates about concerts in the “Puls” series in Stockholm, Bergen, Göteborg and Oslo during winter/spring 2020.

More about Nordisk kulturfond’s “Puls” project

EAU’s “Puls Promoters 2018-2020” project is supported by:

2 november 19.30 EAU + Nordic Voices: Karlheinz Stockhausen «Stimmung» @ Marmorsalen, Sentralen

EAU + Nordic Voices, Karlheinz Stockhausen: Stimmung

Stockhausens monumentale komposisjon «Stimmung» fra 1968 framføres av Nordic Voices og Electric Audio Unit.

  • Sted: Marmorsalen, Sentralen, Oslo
  • Tid: kl. 19:30, lørdag 2. november 2019

Tittelen, «Stimmung», betyr både «stemming» og «stemning», to kvaliteter som vil prege denne kvelden på Sentralen. Begrepet er óg nært knyttet til «stemme», selve lyden Stockhausen undersøker og benytter i komponeringen av verket, og instrumentet som benyttes under framføringen av verket.

Konserten på Sentralen blir første gangen stykket presenteres i Norge sånn Stockhausen selv foreskrev det, der 3 sirkler spiller sammen under framføringen:

  1. sangerne vendt mot hverandre i en sirkel i sentrum av rommet
  2. publikum i en sirkel rundt sangerne igjen
  3. og høyttalerne i en tredje sirkel utenfor dette igjen – en sirkel som sørger for en perfekt balanse mellom de ulike elementene i musikken og responsen i konsertsalen

Billetter er tilgjenglig fra TicketCo.


Konserten er støttet av:

3 november 19:00 EAU + Kenneth Karlsson: «Jarring Sounds 19» Marmorsalen, Sentralen

EAU + Kenneth Karlsson: Jarring Sounds 19

  • Sted: Marmorsalen, Sentralen, Oslo
  • Tid: kl. 19:00, søndag 3. november 2019

Konserten «Jarring Sounds 19» utforsker mørke poetiske kreative stemninger.

På konserten står det utvidete klaveret i sentrum, i et møte mellom mesterpianist Kenneth Karlsson og ensemblet Electric Audio Unit.

  • Rebecca Saunders «Shadows»
  • Tor Halmrast «FLUTR» (Urfr.)
  • Luigi Nono «….. sofferte onde serene …»
  • ewa jacobsson «Jarring Sounds 19» (Urfr.)

Uttrykket i ewa jacobssons «Jarring Sounds 19» er forsterket av ett elektroakustisk verk – urframføringen av Tor Halmrasts “FLUTR” – og to store pianoverk: Rebecca Saunders «Shadow», og Luigi Nonos «….. sofferte onde serene …». «Jarring Sounds 19» er blant annet inspirert av Dowlands’ “In Darkness let me Dwell” og andre mørke stemninger.

Tor Halmrast: FLUTR (urfr.)


Tor Halmrast skriver om sitt nye verk: «You wave your hands like fluttering wings,…but you cannot fly!».
“The piece is inspired by all aspects of fluttering: abnormal heartbeats, The world´s fluttering drive into disorder, rapid permutations of something that might be a melody trying to reach the sky but is trapped like a Flutter Echo between two parallel, reflecting surfaces common in many rooms. The major sound effect is the extensive use of an algorithm simulating not only the rhythmic and directional aspects of flutter echoes, but more important: the rapid, gradual change of timbre, (which in real rooms is due to diffraction and the transformation of spherical waves into plane waves), giving the mid-/high frequency “tail” typical of flutter echoes. This material is then manipulated further, with extreme settings that of course do not appear in real rooms. In order to perceive the “reflections between the “walls”, the piece is a mixture of two layers: a quadrophonic layer and a more overall layer incorporating all loudspeakers. For more info: see www.tor.halmrast.no, including a video of a technical presentation at Computer Music Conference in New York 2019.”

ewa jacobsson: Jarring Sounds 19 (urfr.)

For klaver, elektroakustisk lyd og lydobjekter.

Satsenes navn:


er hentet fra en tysk tekst fra 1862, og i lydmasteren fragmenteres noe av den teksten, og dukker også opp i et av objektene med lydkilde.

Alt dette har med shadows og menneskets mørke å gjøre. Hele verket sirkler rundt dette, og utgangspunktet er: – et bestemt Steinway flygel med en mørk historie…

Stykket inneholder fem visuelle objekter med lydkilder i, som aktiveres i siste sats.

Luigi Nono: ….. sofferte onde serene …

For piano og tape

Luigi Nonos stykke ble til etter en sen kveld på terrassen i Nonos hus i Venezia. Det var mørkt og man kunne høre lyden av klokker på båter, kirker mm., alle med forskjellige meldinger. Videre ble verket komponert i stemningen rundt en nær venns død. Tittelen «…sofferte onde serene…» er fritt oversatt: «…lidende bølger stille…». Verket, som er for piano og elektronikk, er en klassiker og et av de viktigste pianoverk skrevet i moderne tid.

Rebecca Saunders: Shadows

For klaver.

Shadows gjør et dypdykk i skyggenes verden i pianoverket «Shadow». Hun siterer blant annet. C.G. Jung: «Everyone carries a shadow, and the less it is enbodied in the individuals conscious life, the blacker and denser it is…in spite of it’s function as a reservoir for human darkness – or perhaps because of this – the shadow is the seat of creativity … the dark side of his being, his sinister shadow … represent the true spirit of life as against the arid scholar»

Billetter er tilgjenglig gjennom TicketCo.


Konserten er støttet av:

21 August 19.00: “Puls”- concert @ Sentralen, Oslo, curator: Alejandro Montes de Oca (FI)

Puls concert #7, Sentralen, Oslo

Welcome to concert #7 in Electric Audio Unit and Audiorama’s PULS project, this time curated by Alejandro Montes de Oca, who will present works from the community of the Sibelius Academy, University of the Arts Helsinki, Finland.

Program concert #7: Alejandro Montes de Oca

Wednesday 21 August, 19:00 @ Sentralen, Oslo (Forstanderskapssalen), Alejandro presents a program consisting of live diffused electroacoustic works from the following composers:

  • Sanne Saajos
  • Jari Koho
  • Jyrki Rehell
  • Maija Hynninen
  • Mikko H. Haapoja
  • Andreas Kühn
  • Alisa Methuen
  • Joseph Baader
  • Frank Rizzo
  • Tytti Arola
  • Visa Kuoppala
  • Estelle Schorpp

Tickets are available from ticketco.no

Watch this page for updates about concerts in the “Puls” series in Stockholm, Bergen, Göteborg and Oslo during spring/summer 2019.

More about Nordisk kulturfond’s “Puls” project

EAU’s “Puls Promoters 2018-2019” project is supported by:

11+12 juni: Puls”- concerts at “Østre” in Bergen – curators: Trond Lossius (NO) & Ríkharður Freðrikson(IS)

ØSTRE, Bergen

Welcome to concerts #5 and #6 in Electric Audio Unit and Audiorama’s PULS project, this time curated by Trond Lossius and Ríkharður Freðrikson.

  • 11.06 @ 19:00: Concert #5: curator: Trond Lossius, Norway [program]
  • 12.06 @ 19:00: Concert #6, curator Ríkharður Freðrikson [program]

Watch this page for updates about concerts in the “Puls” series in Stockholm, Bergen, Göteborg and Oslo during spring/summer 2019.

More about Nordisk kulturfond’s “Puls” project

Program concert #5: Trond Lossius

Tuesday 11 June 19.00 @ Østre, Bergen

– Craig Wells
– Andrea Parkins
– Katt Hernandez
– Ulf Holbrook
– Bethan Kellough

Program concert #6: Ríkharður Friðriksson

Wednesday 12 June 19.00 @ Østre, Bergen

– Monika Zenkevičiūtė
– Hans Peter Stubbe Teglbjærg
– Maria W. Horn
– Ríkharður H. Friðriksson

EAU’s “Puls Promoters 2018-2019” is supported by:

16. mars: “Puls”- konserter i Stockholm – curators: Savannah Agger (SE) & Cristian Vogel (DK)

Photo of R1 Reaktorhallen, KTH, Stockholm
Photo by Marcus Wrangö/Audiorama

R1 Reaktorhallen, KTH, Stockholm

Concert #3 and #4 in Electric Audio Unit and Audiorama’s PULS project, curated by Savannah Agger and Cristian Vogel, will take place during the festival Svensk Musikvår in the legendary venue R1 Reaktorhallen in Stockholm. FREE ADMISSION

  • 16:00: Concert #3: Places/Spaces, Curated by Swedish composer Savannah Agger [link to program]
  • 20:00: Concert #4: An Evening of Spatialised Electronic Music, Curated by composer Cristian Vogel [link to program]

Link to web-pages with program notes etc @ www.audiorama.se

Further concerts in the “Puls Promoters 2018-2019” series

Upcoming concerts during spring 2019 will feature 3 other specially invited curators:

  • Rikharður Freðrikson (IS)
  • Aleyandro Montes de Oca (FI)
  • Trond Lossius (NO)

Watch this page for updates about concerts in the “Puls” series in Stockholm, Bergen, Göteborg and Oslo during winter/spring 2019.

More about Nordisk kulturfond’s “Puls” project

EAU’s “Puls Promoters 2018-2019” is supported by:

Program concert #3: Places/Spaces:

Saturday 16 March 16.00 @ R1
Curated by Swedish composer Savannah Agger

• Hans Tutschku, Remembering Japan – part 1
• Clemens von Reusner, Definierte Lastbedingung
• Brona Martin, NightEscape
• Erik Nyström, Textonics
• Annie Mahtani, Inversions
• Jorge Garcia Moncada, Hüzün

Program concert #4: An Evening of Spatialised Electronic Music

Saturday 16 March 20.00 @ R1
Curated by composer Cristian Vogel

• SØS Gunver Ryberg, Shapeshifter
• Jonathan Harvey, Mortuos Plango Vivos Voco
• Anders Tveit, And the ticks turn into tocks and the tocks turn into ticks
• Cristian Vogel, Acceleration Morphosis – World Premiere
• Koenraad Ecker, Transparent Bodies, Submarine Roots – World Premiere
• Cristian Vogel, WokeSeq – World Premiere
• Tine Surel Lange, W O R K S F O R L I S T E N I N G – No. 2; No. 10
• Banrei, Cholalcho
• Cristian Vogel, Invisible Planet

5-6 December: “Puls” concerts – curators: Cristian Vogel (DK) & Savannah Agger (SE)

Welcome to these first 2 concerts in EAU’s “Puls Promoters 2018-2019” series, a collaboration with Audiorama in Sweden.

10 concerts in total, 5 specially invited curators and profiled artists from five Nordic countries, concerts in 4 cities in 2 countries.

Production period for “Puls” is December 2018 to May 2019.

Kick off concerts, December 2018:

Marmorsalen, Sentralen, Oslo

(Tickets available from linked to pages above)

Concert pre-talk with each curator @ 18:00

The curator will  present and perform the concerts.  As well, and before each concert at 18:00, we will arrange a pre-concert talk with each curator, to discuss further each curators artistic profile, choices for programme, approaches to spatialization etc.

Ambisonics in Marmorsalen, Sentralen, Oslo

Both concerts will be  performed in Marmorsalen at Sentralen, Oslo, using 3DA’s 24-channel playback system for HOA Ambisonics.

Further concerts in the “Puls Promoters 2018-2019” series

Upcoming concerts during winter/spring 2019 will feature 3 other specially invited curators:

  • Rikharður Freðrikson (IS)
  • Aleyandro Montes de Oca (FI)
  • Trond Lossius (NO)

Watch this page for updates about concerts in the “Puls” series in Stockholm, Bergen, Göteborg and Oslo during winter/spring 2019.

More about Nordisk kulturfond’s “Puls” project

EAU’s “Puls Promoters 2018-2019” is supported by: