Welcome to a workshop and concert featuring works by Beatriz Ferreyra, Natasha Barrett and workshop participants. The workshop and concert are a collaboration between EAU, BEK and Griegakademiet.
Place: Stein Rokkans Hus Studio A, Griegakademiet, Bergen
- 06.06.2019, 13.00 – 14.30 “Emergence Inverted: decomposing the 3D soundscape as compositional materials”. Presentation by Natasha Barrett. Stein Rokkans Hus Studio A, Griegakademiet. Open for all interested.
- 07.06.2019, 10:00 – Workshop in Stein Rokkans Hus Studio A, Griegakademiet. Invited participants (contact lars.ove.toft@bek.no)
- 07.06.2019, 19.00 – Concert in Stein Rokkans Hus Studio A, Griegakademiet
Concert program:
Beatriz Ferreyra:
- La ba-balle du chien-chien à la mémère
- Ekko
Natasha Barrett:
- Portaler
Excerpts from the workshop:
- 15 ‘ (TBA)
Beatriz Ferreyra:
L’autre rive
Workshop info:
Performed spatialisation, otherwise known as sound diffusion, has its history in the acousmonium loudspeaker orchestra that grew up at GRM (Group de Recherches Musicales, Paris) in the 70’s. Since this time, sound diffusion has underpinned the performance of stereo electroacoustic music throughout the world.
First-hand experience of sound diffusion offers vital insights important for composers working with sound in space. Even for composers not working in the stereo format, it is an important stepping stone towards understanding how to work musically and spatially with more advanced technologies such as ambisonics.
In the workshop we will set up a multi-speaker array and enjoy hands-on experiments with both musical materials and speaker placements. Participants can play with a set piece, and are also invited to bring their own materials.
The evening concert will feature a showcase of works from the famous female pioneer Beatriz Ferreyra (b. 1937). The concert will be performed by Natasha Barrett. Ferreyra was associated with the GRM, founded by Pierre Schaeffer at Radio France in the 1950’s. After moving from her native Argentina to Paris in 1963, she made her own radical, vivid music at the GRM. She soon began to explore sound diffusion performance of her works at GRM and in the Bourges International Electroacoustic Music Festival. Ferreyra lives in France and is still active composing and performing throughout the world. The concert will also present pieces from workshop participants.
More info: